In the last few years, we’ve seen more and more businesses focus on SEO. Some are doing it well, but many others are not. Why is that? It’s because they aren’t focusing on the right things. Freshness is one of those things. Freshness can be broken down into two main parts:
What Is Freshness?
Fresh content is the most important factor for SEO, and it’s not as difficult to achieve as you might think. Your website needs fresh content so that Google can crawl your site, which in turn improves your rankings.
But what exactly is “freshness?” In this article we will discuss the importance of freshness, how it affects SEO and what you can do to increase your site’s ranking on Google (and other search engines) while boosting your conversion rates at the same time!
What Is Freshness?
The definition of “freshness” according to is “the quality or state of being new or having recently been made or acquired; novelty.” The concept applies largely in two areas: website optimization for search engines and social media marketing. Let’s dig deeper into each one individually!
Why Is It Important?
Freshness is important because it helps you rank higher in search engines, which means that your content will get more organic traffic.
As mentioned above, fresh content is engaging. Users like to read new things and see what’s happening with their favorite brands or topics. This will help you build brand awareness and improve SEO for longer periods of time.
Finally, freshness can also help you build links and improve your overall link profile by having a good authority score (PageRank) for all of your pages on the site as well as your homepage itself.
The Impact of Freshness on SEO
Fresh content is a concept that’s often overlooked when it comes to SEO, but in reality, it’s one of the most important. The impact of fresh content on SEO can be broken down into two categories: how Google perceives your content and how people perceive your website.
Google has taken strides in recent years to make sure that their search results are as relevant as possible for users’ needs—and freshness plays a big role in this! In fact, research shows that real-time data can help predict future trends with an accuracy rate of more than 90%. This means Google uses real-time data from sources like social media engagement (e.g., tweets) as well as user behavior patterns (e.g., click rate). So if you’re not keeping up with what’s happening right now—and creating new content regularly—you won’t be considered relevant by Google…or anyone else!
On top of helping people find what they’re looking for online more easily than ever before (which is good news for everyone), freshness also benefits brand awareness and retention rates too! For example: In one study conducted by BrightEdge Inc., 68% users indicated they would revisit sites more often if there were frequent updates related to their interests.”
How to Identify New Content That Matches Your Brand
Once you’ve identified how to go about finding this new content, it’s time to actually do it. There are three main ways:
- Identify the types of content you want to link to.
This is the most obvious way and can be accomplished several ways: meet with your writers or editors; take a look at what similar companies are doing; look at recent trends in your industry on social media; or chat with industry experts (this one is my favorite).
- Identify new content that matches your brand.
Once you’ve identified what kinds of content you want linked back from, find where these types of pieces get published online so that you can track them down and make sure any links from them point back here instead. If they don’t already exist within your network, create a list of potential publishers or use tools like Ahrefs’ Content Explorer tool which recommends sites based on keywords found in the text itself
Other Ways to Ensure Freshness
There are many ways you can make sure your content is fresh. One of the simplest ways to do this is by using a content calendar.
If you don’t have one already, we recommend using Google Calendar or another calendar app that allows file uploads, like Microsoft Outlook or Apple Calendar. Once it’s set up and ready to go, you can begin adding entries for each blog post or article you plan on publishing in the coming weeks/months. This way, you’ll know what topics are coming up so that when they’re due (or overdue), writing new posts won’t be an afterthought; it’ll be part of your schedule and routine!
How to Create a Dynamic Link Building Strategy Using Entities
Let’s talk about your goals. It’s important to define them before you start on a solution because it can help you avoid common mistakes and stay motivated through the process. For example, let’s say your goal is to get more traffic to your website. If you’re not careful about how you go about achieving that goal, it could end up costing you more money than necessary or taking longer than expected (or both).
Instead of just making a goal at random and going from there, sit down for an hour or so and think about what specific results will make winning this particular battle worth fighting in the first place—and what steps would really take care of those tasks? What kind of keywords do those terms target? How many monthly searches are associated with those terms? Are there any other factors that could affect their search volume over time? And once we’ve figured out who our competitors are and how they rank against us right now, what should we be doing differently moving forward? These questions will help us determine whether or not our proposed strategy is actually feasible without getting discouraged halfway through the process by realizing too late that we didn’t do enough research beforehand!
Final Thoughts
As you can see, there are a lot of options when it comes to linking to content that’s relevant and high quality. You should be linking to all of these—and then some.
- New fresh content: new fresh content is what makes your website more authoritative, increases the crawl rate on your website, and increases traffic from search engines. There is no better way for someone looking for something specific (like you) than coming across your website because of how much time it spends in the search results. That’s why we recommend spending at least 20% of your time creating new fresh content for SEO purposes alone.
- Content that matches your brand: If Google sees that all the links point back to one place instead of many places (because they’re trying not only find out where all those links point but whether or not they’re reliable), then they’ll know what kind of information they’re going to get if they click on any given link; this means if someone searches “hair salon near me,” they’ll either get back results with pictures and addresses or information about different salons depending on who has been linking back towards their homepage most often over time!
Make sure you are linking to fresh, quality content in your campaigns.
Don’t forget that the quality of your links is just as important as the quantity. A link to a blog post that was written three months ago and has been shared over a thousand times is likely not going to be of much value to a search engine either. Search engines also give more weight to links that are in context, so you should make sure any link you’re including fits with your content and brand. If your blog post is about dog training, don’t link out to an article about SEO unless it’s relevant (and even then, maybe consider it).
When I say “relevant,” I mean two things: First, does this piece of content match up with what we’re talking about? Second, does this piece of content match up with what our audience wants? This last point is important because it’s easy for businesses like ours to get trapped into creating content for our own purposes—you know: “This will help us sell more widgets”—but if no one else cares about said widget-related information then Google isn’t going to care either!
We hope this post has helped to illuminate what freshness is and why it’s important for your SEO strategy. If you have any questions about how to make your content more relevant, please reach out to us!