Google Business Reputation: 6 Clues That Will Affect How You Rank

Google Business Reputation

If you have a business, chances are you want to rank well in search results. The problem is that it’s not an easy task. Google uses many different factors to determine the ranking of each website, and some of these factors can be hard to understand. However, understanding these factors can help you improve your Google business reputation on Google and get more traffic from organic search results. In this article we’ll go over six key metrics that will tell us how your business ranks on Google:

Does Google Show Your Business in Local Pack?

One of the first things you should check is whether your business is listed in Local Pack. This is a list of local businesses that appear at the top of search results when someone searches for something like [your city] [your type of business]. For example, if I were searching for “Chicago restaurants” and I was in Chicago, my local pack would show me a list of restaurants with addresses and phone numbers along with other information like reviews and hours.

If you don’t see your company listed in Local Pack, there are several things you can do to get it there:

  • Become verified with Google My Business – If your business doesn’t have its own listing on Google My Business (GMB), create one! You can do this by filling out a form on GMB’s website with all the relevant information about your company (address, hours, etc.). Once you’ve filled out this form and submitted it, Google will review it and determine whether or not your company should be included in their database.
  • Claim listings from other sites – If someone else has already created an account for your company on another site (e.g., Yelp), ask them to add some extra details about what makes yours unique so that people will be able to find it easily when they’re searching online.*

Which Clicks to Your Website Are Direct Search Engine Traffic?

Direct search engine traffic refers to clicks that come directly from the search engine. You can see this in your analytics data (Google Analytics and Bing Webmaster Tools) or on the actual site itself (Google Search Console).

If you’re seeing an uptick in direct search engine traffic, it could be due to any number of factors—you made a change that got picked up by Google, or you’ve improved your rankings so much that more people are finding and clicking on your website. You may also notice a drop-off in direct search engine traffic if there’s been an update about something specific about your business, such as new business hours or products.

What’s the Number of Visitors to Your Website?

  • The number of visitors to your website is a good indicator of how well your SEO is working.
  • The number of visitors to your website is a good indicator of how well your PPC campaign is working.
  • The number of visitors to your website is also a good indicator of how well social media marketing is working in general: If you’re getting lots of Facebook likes and retweets, chances are people will click on links within those posts and visit your site.

How Do People Engage with Your Business on Google Search?

You can also see how people engage with your business on Google Search. This is the total number of clicks, calls, and website visits you get each month. You can see this information at the bottom of your Google My Business dashboard.

If you want more information about how many people call your business, visit their website, or add them to their circles on Google+ (or any other metric), then click the drop down menu next to each one and choose “details.”

Which Actions Do People Take After Interacting with Your Business on Google?

  • Which Actions Do People Take After Interacting with Your Business on Google?

The actions people take after interacting with your business on Google can affect your ranking. These actions can be positive or negative, but they all influence how people think about your company and whether they want to work with you in the future.

  • What Type of Content Do People Share About You?

The type of content shared about you by other people will also impact the way others perceive your business. If someone posts something negative about one of your products or services, this could have a lasting effect on how customers view you going forward.

Do You Get Negative Reviews About Your Business Online?

If you are getting negative reviews, the first thing to do is respond and resolve the issue. If you don’t respond, Google will view this as unhelpful and may lower your ranking in local organic search results.

If customers are satisfied with their experience, they should go ahead and leave a review on Google Maps or Yelp (or whichever platform they use). This can help boost your local rankings by showing that more people like your business than hate it!

If you want to improve your business reputation on Google, it’s important to analyze what factors can affect your ranking.

If you want to improve your business reputation on Google, it’s important to analyze what factors can affect your ranking.

Google is known for being a search engine that can be prone to manipulation. But the company has made some improvements in recent years that should help ensure that businesses with good reputations rank highly in search results while those who have poor reputations do not.

To understand how Google works and why it might be important for your business, read our article How Search Engines Work.


Google Business is a great way to connect with potential customers. However, if you want to rank higher on Google, it’s important that you understand how your business appears in search results. The six clues we covered here will help you identify areas where there may be room for improvement so that you can improve your business reputation online!

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